1. 基本预防措施
戴口罩(Wear Masks): Covering the mouth and nose with a mask to reduce the spread of the virus.
勤洗手(Frequent Handwashing): Regularly washing hands with soap and water to eliminate viruses.
保持社交距离(Maintain Social Distancing): Avoiding close contact with others to reduce the transmission risk.
避免拥挤场所(Avoid Crowded Places): Staying away from areas with high human concentration.
增强免疫力(Boost Immunity): Getting adequate nutrition, exercise, and rest to strengthen the body's defense system.
2. 家居预防措施
清洁和消毒(Cleaning and Disinfection): Regularly clean and disinfect household items and surfaces.
通风换气(Ventilation): Opening windows to allow fresh air circulation in the home.
健康饮食(Healthy Eating): Incorporating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet for nutritional balance.
3. 工作场所预防措施
实施健康筛查(Implement Health Screenings): Checking for symptoms before entering the workplace.
遵守卫生规定(Adhere to Hygiene Protocols): Following guidelines for handwashing, wearing masks, and maintaining distance.
减少非必要出行(Minimize Non-Essential Travel): Reducing trips outside the workplace to minimize exposure risk.
Q1: 如何正确佩戴口罩?
A1: Wear the mask with the nose and mouth covered, ensuring it fits snugly around the face. Adjust the metal strip for a proper fit.
Q2: 社交距离应保持在多远?
A2: Ideally, maintain a distance of at least 6 feet (approximately 2 meters) from others to reduce the transmission risk.
Q3: 如果我感到不适,应该怎么做?
A3: If you feel unwell with symptoms like fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, please stay home and contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Q4: 如何正确洗手?
A4: Use soap and warm water, washing for at least 20 seconds, focusing on the palms, backs of hands, between fingers, and under nails.
Q5: 在公共场所如何保护自己?
A5: Wear a mask, avoid touching your face, stay away from people who are sick, and frequently clean hands.